In this course you will discover:
12 Keys to Serving Your Leaders with Excellence
Why Honor Unlocks your Gifting
The Vital Role of Church Leaders in Your Life
Recognizing 8 Symptoms of Rebellion
How Serving Opens the Door to Your Calling
SESSION 8 | Questions & Answers
1: How do I deal with rebellion on my team?
2: When do I not obey a leader?
3: What if I'm under abusive authority?
4: Do you ever correct a Pastor?
5: What if I'm not getting fed at my church?
6: What if my spouse doesn't want me to attend, serve, nor give to my church?
7: When is honor too much? (Idolatry)
8: How do I help build my leader's ministry?
9: How to avoid ministry burnout?
10: What if I disagree with my Pastor's decision?
11: What if my ministry leader doesn't let me use my gifting?
12: What if I feel I missed my calling?